Herfrid Kier: The Lindstroem AG between world economic crises and her merger in EMI Electrola

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Nachlese on 17. Nov., 2011 | 0 Comments

More than all other countries in Europe Germany was after World War I in extremely bad economic circumstances, mainly because of the reparations 1922/23 the German currency Mark and the economy in Germany collapsed which resulted in a hyperinflation. By 1928 German government nearly stabilized the situation but soon later on 24th October 1929 the […]

Peter K.Burkowitz: Edison – Berliner – Lindstroem

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Nachlese on 08. Juni, 2010 | 0 Comments

Thomas Alva Edison – Emile Berliner – Carl Lindström   Die drei Säulen der „Schallplatt(en)form“ Wie die meisten technischen Neuerungen, so lässt sich auch die Schallplattenindustrie auf die schöpferischen Leistungen Einzelner zurückverfolgen. PLEASE FIND more information>>>>  Beitrag-PKB-ill-rev

Hugo Stroetbaum: Favorite revisited: an update

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

It already is a long time ago since I published a number of articles on the German record company Favorite in Hanover. …. Now – more than ten years later – I think it is high time to present an update. Over the past years new material about Favorite’s recording activities outside of Europe has […]

Bjoern Englund:Carl Lindstroem and the Lindstroem labels in Scandinavia

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

Recordings in Scandinavia began in 1912 in Denmark and Sweden, 1913 in Norway but not until 1929 in Finland. (Already in 1907 a Swedish title had been recorded in Berlin:   Please learn more >>>>>scandinavia2

Pekka Gronow: Carl Lindstroem AG: the international series

Posted by in Diskographie, Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

 Carl Lindström AG was one of the multinational companies which dominated the shellac era until the second World War. Victor, Columbia, Gramophone and Lindström operated in most countries of the world and were responsible for a major part of global record production. Compared to the other major companies, the international operations of Lindström have been […]

Peter Martland:The failed 1912 merger between Lindstroem, Gramophone and Victor

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Nachlese on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

….. in 1911-12, to proposals that would have seen, if they had come to fruition, the merger of the world’s biggest record and player manufacturers; Carl Lindström AG, the Gramophone Company Ltd and the Victor Talking Machine Co Inc. This paper examines this extraordinary episode and places it into the context of the dynamic pre-1914 […]

Gabriel Goessel:1907 -1947: Forty years of Lindstroem in Bohemia

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Künstler, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

After 1910, we can find on the Favorite Luxus Record label recordings of the baryton with the New German Theatre in Prague Alexander Haydter. After 1918, some of these recordings were pressed again on the Parlophon label. Some very important Czech-born artists recorded for labels  Odeon and Fonotipia           PLEASE LEARN MORE IN […]

Milan Milovanovic: Distribution of C.Lindstroem products in Serbia

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Nachlese on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

Discography in Serbia or in its close vicinity has its defined and, undoubtedly, deep origins. Certain sources noted that in 1892, at the World Exhibition in Vienna, the composer from Subotica, Franjo Gal (who used to sign as Galović), had recorded on the phonograph an extract of his musical opus for  the piece „Kraljević Marko“       PLEASE […]

Gabriel Goessel: The Hungarian Connection

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Künstler, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

During the pre-war times of Austro-Hungarian empire, the countries of Bohemia and Moravia actually did not have a common border with Hungary. Most contacts and communications between Czech and Hungarian speaking population took place within units of the military troops. But after 1948, in other words during the last 60 years, both countries were subjected […]

Geza Gabor Simon:Die Lindstroem-Labels in Ungarn

Posted by in Firmengeschichte, Lindström, Nachlese, Produktionsgeschichte on 21. Mai, 2010 | 0 Comments

         Gestatten Sie mir, dass ich zur Einführung erzähle, wie aus mir ein ambitionierter Hörer der Platten des Lindström-Konzerns geworden ist – und mit der Zeit blieb es ja nicht beim Hören, sondern es wurden Forschungen und Diskographien daraus. Mein Vater Géza János Simon war einer jener gut ausgebildeten, vielseitigen Glasermeister, die dieses ursprünglich von […]